Smile Life partners with Taprama

Smile Life partners with Taprama

SMILE Life Insurance Company has entered a partnership with Taprama Funeral Parlor that will materialize in provision of a family funeral plan dubbed Thandizo Plus Policy.

The policy carters for funeral costs and covers a spouse and a maximum of four children. It can also be extended to cover parents and parent’s in-aw

Smile  Life  Chief Executive Officer, Stan Singo, said business has been tough because the funeral business is regarded as taboo in Malawi.

    “This product is very unique in this market. It is giving a full range of funeral service. We know some of the banks offer similar products, but we have gone all the way to provide full spectrum of Funeral services,” Singo said

Managing Director of Taprama Funeral Service, Titus Mataka, added that his company has the necessary resources to deliver the agreed contractual terms of the policy.

“We have enough resources, enough cars, enough tents, and enough coffins. This means we are able to assist those that have lost their loved ones regardless of the distance.

Under the policy, the company will offer, grave digging, provision of food and transport, chairs, and tents. Generally, everything will be provided under the Thandizo Plus funeral policy,” Mataka said.

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